Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Mini Escape No.2

UPDATES For "My Mini Escape" post::

Lol... I didn't manage to get much opinion from people (cos i'm not famous) but I did some research and also a bit planning for myself recently. So below are wat I came up with... Still undecided as many dates are not confirmed...

1. Redang Island? Lang Tengah Island? Perhentian Island?
- I haven't decide which island to go yet
- Still looking for budget package
- Waiting for my girlfriend's reply (she is still stuck in Paris!)
- Still at the mid of discussion with my girlfriend

UPDATE: the girlfriend can't make it... Neeeehhhh!! :( Anyone wants to go?!

2. Cambodia?
- A friend is there and he agreed to let me stay in his apartment (1 extra room which is EMPTY)
- Got a few friends there
- An oversea trip for sight-seeing... save money, dun have to spend so much.

3. Vietnam?
- Still waiting for a confirmation from a girlfriend :)

Where shall I head to?! :)


KY said...

conclusion, wait for ur girl friend. lol

Rachying said...

KY: hehe.. I'm waiting!

Dabido said...


Rachying said...

Dab: If I go to perth are you paying for my flight and lodging? hahaha... dun forget I'm poor where to find the money to fly to perth?!

vialentino said...

go Lang tengah.....i heard it is a beautiful island than perhentian island....

Dabido said...

In November you can fly cheap with Air Asia! :-)

Rachying said...

Dab: will need to see my schedule... classes and might have my family trip =)